We realised that we would not have time to finish all the filming in one lesson, but it would in fact take several, so we filmed all the external scenes first so the lighting and weather conditions would not change. Filming for the external scenes went very smoothly and, as hoped, we managed to film all of these shots in one lesson. We then moved on to all the internal scenes, which were all filmed in the same order as they appear on the storyboard. This took more takes to get right because the camera we were working with started fading in and out every time it filmed. None of us could find how to sort this out, so we had to start counting down for the action after the camera had started filming. This took longer and we had to film several takes of each shot. Fortunately this was sorted out in time for filming the dialogue between the two characters.
We decided to include a tracking shot following the first character to create effect. We achieved this by placing the camera tripod on a set of wheels. This also took several attempts because Isaac (the actor) and myself (the cameraman) were both moving at different speeds each time, and in the first attempts we shot the face of the character could not be seen, which we knew was important to show the emotion the character is feeling.
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