Friday, 22 October 2010

Preliminary task - Post-production

After we finished filming, we uploaded all the recorded footage onto the computer. This was very difficult because we could only upload the footage via our editing software - Adobe Premiere - which we had previously not used before for this task. Later, the computer also started freezing up so we couldn't upload the footage all at the same time, and we had to do this over two lessons, which in the end took a lot of time. After all the footage had been uploaded we started editing. We had only expiremented with Adobe Premiere one time so a lot of time was also spent finding out where everything is. The effects we used were fairly basic - fade in, fade out, titles etc. Another effect we used came as a late addition because we had had trouble with colours during the dialogue - when the first character speaks, the footage was very dark, but it was much lighter when the second character speaks for the first time. We expiremented with altering the lighting on Adobe to avoid this effect, but in the end we decided to use black and white throughout the whole film. This saved us the trouble of correcting the colours, and also added to the dramatic feel we wanted to create. We added to this feel further by adding some music from a royalty free website, Incompetech. Again we felt it captured the feel well, and made a huge difference by improving the film itself. We suddenly found our film was much, much better with black and white and the music included. All three of us are very pleased with the final result, and we especially feel we have captured the emotion and created the film we set out to make.

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